Education Reimagined
Education Reimagined is a national nonprofit organization, based in Washington DC, harnessing the power of visionaries across the country to create a new design for public education that is centered around learners and their communities, versus schools. Since its inception, Education Reimagined has successfully furthered the effort to codify, advance, and elevate the field of learner-centered education. Its work now is focused on coalescing the partners, marshaling the funding and resources, and accelerating the R&D process to establish community-based, learner-centered ecosystems as a viable, accountable and sustainable design for public education.

The History Co:Lab
History Co:Lab is a youth-centered, research-driven, innovation lab transforming education to prepare young people to become active participants in our democracy. By integrating learning science with youth voice and community networks, we create deeply engaging experiences that support young people’s development, helping them thrive as makers of our shared history.
Through our merger with iThrive Games, we are able to harness the power of play and participatory design to advance immersive learning environments that promote belonging, curiosity, and rich emotional and academic growth.