Whereas, we now recognize that every young person is unique and passionate about learning, and ready to co-create their own education;

Whereas, it is no longer acceptable for our education system to structurally reinforce social inequities, including disparities in access to opportunity based on factors such as race, economic status, identity, language, culture, or neurodiversity;

Whereas, success is now understood to be living out a meaningful and fulfilling life, with each of us finding the intersection between our passions and talents and what our society needs;

Whereas, the world economy is changing in ways that require everyone’s contributions and that require each of us to be self-directed, creative, collaborative, and adaptable problem solvers; and

Whereas, trailblazing learner-centered environments have been successfully developing young people who are ready for what the world now demands and have been doing so for pockets of young people for over a century; now therefore,

We declare a future in which every child has access to a learner-centered education where they are valued as unique individuals, their agency and passions are cultivated, and their learning is nurtured in caring communities. And, a future in which every educator, family, and community is supported and empowered to make the difference they are committed to making for young people.

We, the undersigned, pledge to do what it takes to make this learner-centered future available to all children, regardless of background or circumstance.

Join us in taking a stand to do what it takes to make learner-centered education available to all children and young people.

New resources and news on The Big Idea!


We recently announced a new R&D acceleration initiative to connect and support local communities ready to bring public, equitable, learner-centered ecosystems to life.