Mission: Helping to make evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) an integral part of education from preschool through high school.

The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) brings this mission to life through their work in practice, policy, and research. Primarily focused on brick-and-mortar learning environments, CASEL operates a number of initiatives and partnerships across the country. Two such initiatives are their Collaborating Districts Initiative—a national initiative “aimed at supporting districts’ capacities to promote SEL for all students”—and their “Youth Voice” work—a megaphone for groups already supporting learners to take control of their learning as project designers, developers, and leaders. CASEL dives into the policy world with state scans and policy recommendations—all aimed at bringing SEL to the forefront of the education conversation. Finally, CASEL conducts extensive research and publishes numerous reports on topics such as SEL’s role in shaping overall educational outcomes and finding and developing quantitative assessments to accurately measure SEL growth in learners. They house this research and that of others in their ever-growing CASEL Library, a database of articles and papers on everything SEL.

Last updated on 05/19/2016

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