TKS Innovate

The world is full of messy problems that require complex thinking and solutions. How can we equip young people to confidently navigate these challenges in partnership with their peers, mentors, and broader communities?

The Knowledge Society (TKS) is one opportunity to provide young learners with expert-level problem-solving training. The TKS Innovate program was co-designed by successful Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, CEO’s, and global leaders, and draws inspiration from the world’s most disruptive companies. Each year, through a competitive application process, TKS selects a cohort of 30-40 young learners, ages 13-18 (with exceptions made for gap year learners), to embark on an interactive, 10-month, global innovation program. The program is conducted virtually and in-person in Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Ottawa, Toronto, and Vancouver. It orientates participants around emerging technologies and large-scale problem solving, and culminates in young learners delivering TED-style presentations on their learnings. This is a tuition-based program that offers financial aid to qualified learners.

New resources and news on The Big Idea!


We recently announced a new R&D acceleration initiative to connect and support local communities ready to bring public, equitable, learner-centered ecosystems to life.