Colleges That Change Lives

For learners who have experienced learner-centered education, the transition to higher education—where the traditional paradigm is predominant—can present a major challenge.

We often ask learner-centered pioneers, how do you help young learners transition back into the traditional system when they go to college? Thankfully, because learners’ agency and holistic development are so mature, they are able to navigate the challenges without skipping a beat. And, they are able to maintain their love for learning. As the movement grows, this topic of conversation will become more and more present. Thanks to a recommendation from one of our SparkHouse participants, we encourage learners and educators to consider the colleges and universities highlighted by Colleges That Change Lives. These 44 environments provide a new way of thinking about what we all look for in a quality higher education experience. 

New resources and news on The Big Idea!


We recently announced a new R&D acceleration initiative to connect and support local communities ready to bring public, equitable, learner-centered ecosystems to life.