Leadership for Learning

The National Center for Innovation in Education has released a new paper, “Leadership for Learning,” that seeks to create “an actionable understanding of leadership in an era of learning in which the student, not the institution, is the primary reference point.”

How does the notion of leadership change when we are talking about a ground-up, community-owned, system-wide transformation? How does the role of leader become shared across a team? What are the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to play that role? And, what are the accountabilities a leader holds to their learning community? In the first major piece on leadership in a learner-centered system, authors Gene Wilhoit, Linda Pittenger, and Jim Rickabaugh tackle these questions head on. They recognize this work is messy, and the issues are complex. They don’t pretend to have all the answers. But, in what is an insightful framing of the conversation, they lay out a spiral of inquiry to jumpstart thinking and learning. Explore this work further and discover how your own concept of leadership has shifted in your move to learner-centered education.

LAST UPDATED 02/16/2017

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We recently announced a new R&D acceleration initiative to connect and support local communities ready to bring public, equitable, learner-centered ecosystems to life.